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2011 Information Technology Product Green Mark Certification Project

Consumption behavior is essential for all modern humankinds and also the sources of the vast majority of profits from industrial operations, as tremendous economic values may be generated through consumers’ daily consumption. As the public’s environmental awareness slowly improved, if the consumers can be encouraged to give priority to buying environmentally friendly products or services, these huge economic interests and values can be directed towards environmental protection. When the consumers are willing to pursue green consumption, the industry will also discover that they can create profits from protecting the environment, and the whole green consumption cycle can create its own forward momentum. In order to be in line with the global environmental trend, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Government of the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan, encourages business organizations to reduce environmental pollution, resources/energy consumption and waste generation throughout the life cycle stages (material acquisition, manufacturing and distribution/sale, usage and waste disposal) of their products and services; as well as promotes the consumption of recyclable, low pollution and resource conserving products and services by the consumers in order to improve environmental quality. With the above considerations in mind, and following the experiences of implementing eco-labeling programs in Germany, Japan, Canada, Nordic countries, USA and EU, the EPA initiated the Green Mark Program after introduction of the Green Mark logo in 1992. In the shape of a clean Earth wrapped by a green leaf, the Green Mark logo was selected on March 19, 1992 after an open selection and judging process and was subsequently registered officially as a trade mark in ROC. The goal for this year’s project is to promote the green consumption trend through conducting green product certification and verification, and thus providing the market with more environmentally friendly products. Based on EPA’s designated schedule for work completion, 470 Green Mark applications from information technology product shall be processed this year. In addition, EDF will make use of its extensive experience in certifying green electrical and electronic products to provide proposal of amendments to EPA’s stipulated review procedure in order to improve application processing and reviewing efficiency.
Ecolabelling,Green Consumption,Information Technology